
Knowledge Base

Compatible Technologies

Below is a list of programs and software for Arvixe's Linux servers. We have tested these items for compatibility. The entries show if the item is compatible, not compatible or installable only by an Arvixe agent. (The entry for each item may also have parenthetical notes for special cases.)

This list does not include everything our servers can and cannot support, but it does include most popular items. Some items listed are included on the server, others are items Arvixe can assist you with installing, and some items would need to be provided and installed by you.

We strive to assist our customers as much as possible and can assist you with all server-related issues. We may not be able to offer you support for any third-party items listed. However, in every case we will at least try to point you in the correct direction to get the help you need.


  • This article indicates compatibility. This does not imply that we install these programs for free. Some programs on this list are already on the server or can be installed for free, but other programs require installation and/or administrative fees.
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