
Knowledge Base

G Suite Mail Setup

  1. Access the Admin Console.
    • Read and Accept the Terms of Service.
  2. Verify the domain.
    1. Click Start Setup or Verify Domain in the Admin Console.
    2. Click BEGIN VERIFICATION in the Verify your domain dialog box.
    3. Select your Domain Registrar using the drop-down menu or choose other if not listed.
    4. Copy the TXT record provided in step one.
    5. Log in to your cPanel in a new tab(domain.com/cpanel or domain.com:2083).
    6. Navigate to the DOMAINS section and click on Advanced Zone Editor.
    7. Create the following record:
      • Type: TXT
      • Name: Your domain name goes here.
      • TTL: 14400
      • TXT Data: Enter the text record you copied from Google.
    8. Click Add Record.
    9. Go back to the domain verification page in your Google Admin console and click Verify.
    10. Click Continue once verified.
  3. Create User Account.
    1. Click Users in the the Google Admin Console.
    2. Click the yellow plus sign in Users.
    3. Provide the following in the dialog box:
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Primary Email Address: Email address for G Suite account
        Note: To avoid conflicts, make sure that the email address being created is currently not in use with any other Google services.
    4. Click CREATE.
    5. Click PRINT or SEND EMAIL to get a copy of your login credentials since the password is randomly generate upon account creation.
      Note: Make sure to choose an working Email when sending a copy of your login credentials since the G Suite account is not fully set up.
  4. Set Up Gmail and other services
    1. Log in to cPanel, navigate to the EMAIL section, and click on MX Entry.
    2. Under Email Routing click the radio button for 
    3. Click Change.
    4. Scroll down to MX Records and Remove/Delete any existing records.
    5. Scroll up to Add New Record and add the following records:
      • Priority: Determines the order in which the Servers are to be contacted(The lower the number the higher the priority)
      • Destination: The mail server
        Priority Destination
    6. Once all records are added, you may experience DNS propagation for several hours before your email services will work correctly

You can now go to gmail.com to access your G Suite Email account. Please go to Google Support for additional support or advanced configurations.

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