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How To Change PHP Version - PHP Config Guide

Things to Keep In Mind

While it is best practice to always use the most recent version of PHP, it is important to check the compatibility of your site against new versions of PHP before upgrading. Sites built with WordPress can use the PHP Compatibility Checker plugin.

Updating PHP Version

Our System allows you to run PHP scripts a few different ways. You will see these options on the version selection page. Once logged into your cPanel:

  1. Locate the Software section, then click on the MultiPHP Manager icon.
    Note: Legacy users will need to locate the Programming section, then click on the PHP Config icon.
  2. Select the version of PHP you would like to use; anything 5.4 and above.
  3. Click Save Changes or Apply to finish the update

What to do if a newer version of PHP doesn’t work.

Many popular website platforms use PHP for rendering their content. It’s common for these sites to have automatic update tools to ensure that they work with the latest version of PHP, however sometimes a theme or plugin for these services may prevent them from updating or may not work with a newer version of PHP.

If you are able to test and identify that your sites do not work with a newer version of PHP, you have a number of options.

  • Attempt to Update Your Website
    Many platforms, such as WordPress, can be updated to versions that are compatible with the most up to date versions of PHP. The first step may be as simple as attempting to update your website from the dashboard. Please remember to ma a backup before making any changes so that the site can be restored to its previous state if it experiences any issues while upgrading
  • Contact a Developer:
    Either your web developer or another web developer may be able to assist you with updating your website to be compliant with a modern secure version of PHP. The Developer who originally built your site is likely to have the best chance of resolving the issue quickly and effectively.
  • Design a New Site:
    Another valid option is to design a new site, using the opportunity to provide your visitors with a fresh experience that uses a modern version of PHP.

    Additionally it is possible to get third party developers to rebuild your site for you.
  • Migrate to a Platform that Allows End of Life PHP Versions:
    IMPORTANT NOTE: PHP 5.2 is outside of its end of life and is not receiving security updates. Actions taken to continue to remain reliant on this service are not recommended by Arvixe.

    We understand that it may be a challenge to update your site to be compliant with modern versions of PHP. If there is no way to update or rebuild your site to be compliant with your updated service it is possible to migrate your content to another service provider that has PHP 5.2 available.

    If you are unable to find a provider that explicitly offers this option, it is possible to get a VPS or dedicated server that will allow you to control the software environment on which you host your website. 
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