
Knowledge Base

How to Create Databases - Plesk

In Plesk, first we create a database, and then we create a user to access that database. Both steps are outlined below:

Step 1: Create Database

To create a new database in Plesk:

  1. Click Databases in the panel on the left.
  2. Click the Add Database button.
  3. Fill in all the pertinent information:
    • Database name: Select the name for the database.
    • Database server: You will need to select between MySQL or MSSQL as your database type.
    • Related site: This adds a Databases link under the selected site in Websites & Domains.
  4. A user can be created using the Users section below the database creation, or you may create users later:
    • Database user name: Select a username.
    • New password: Choose a secure password to allow the user to connect to the database.
    • Confirm password: Confirm the password you have selected.
    • User has access to all databases within the selected subscription: Check this box if you want the user to be able to access all databases of the same type (MySQL or MSSQL).
  5. Click OK to create the database.

Step 2: Create Database User

To access a database you must create a database user to connect to it with. If a user was not created when the database was created or if you would like to create an additional user, please do the following:

  1. Click Databases in the panel on the left.
  2. Click User Management in the menu on the right.
  3. Click Add Database User.
  4. Fill in all the pertinent information:
    • Database server: Specify whether this user will access a MySQL or MSSQL database.
    • Database username: Select a username.
    • New password: Choose a secure password to allow the user to connect to the database.
    • Confirm password: Confirm the password you have selected.
    • Database: Select the database the user should be granted access to.
    • Use this user's credentials by default for accessing myLittleAdmin: Leave this box unchecked as myLittleAdmin is not included with any of our hosting plans.
  5. Click OK to create the user.
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