
Knowledge Base

How to Create Domain Aliases - Plesk

A domain alias (also known as a parked domain) permits you to show the content for a domain across multiple domains, or have that domain's email addresses work with multiple domains. The address bar will continue to show the URL of the alternate domain (Unless Redirect with the HTTP 301 code is selected). Additionally, aliases do not contribute to your Plesk domain total.

To create a domain alias in Windows Plesk:

  1. Click on Websites & Domains in the panel on the left.
  2. Click the Add New Domain Alias button.
  3. Provide the following information:
    • Domain alias name: Enter the domain you will be pointing to the server.
    • for the domain: Select the domain whose content you wish to display using the alias.
    • Synchronize DNS zone with the primary domain: This setting indicates whether or not the DNS zone will be mirrored.
    • Mail service: Select whether you want to be able to create mail boxes for this domain.
    • Web service: If this is unchecked, the website will not be displayed under the alias, and it will only allow email accounts to function for both domains.
    • Redirect with the HTTP 301 code: If this is selected, the domain alias will be redirected, and the domain it is pointed to will show in the address bar instead of the alias domain, and search engines will only index the domain the alias is for.
  4. Click the OK button to finish.
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