
Knowledge Base

How to reset your billing password

Resetting your billing password.

  1. Please go to http://arvixe.com/
    If you're currently logged in, please proceed to step 2.
    If you're not currently logged in, please proceed to step 3.
  2. Please click "Log Out" at the top right (see below):

    You'll see "Forgot your Password? Click Here". Click that and then put your billing email address and billing username in those fields and then click "Reset". The new billing password will be sent to your email address.
  3. Click the blue arrow on top right of the homepage which you then click "Forgot your password? Click Here."
  4. Click "Forgot your Password? Click Here" and then put your billing email address and billing username in those fields and then click "Reset". The new billing password will be sent to your email address.
  5. Now, go to http://arvixe.com/ and put your billing username there along with your new billing password.

    You now reset your billing password. If you have any problems, please contact our use at sales [at] arvixe [dot] com.
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