
Knowledge Base

Managing Custom Service Plans

Creating customers for your Plesk Reseller account will require the creation of custom service plans to define the resources the plan each customer of that type is allowed to use. To view the service plans available:

  1. Log into Plesk with your reseller credentials.
  2. Click Service Plans from the left-hand menu.

From here you will see a list with 4 columns:

  • Plan Name: The name of the plan to make similar plans easier to identify.
  • Traffic: The amount of bandwidth allowed to users subscribed to that plan.
  • Disk Space: The amount of disk space which users subscribed to that plan may use.
  • Subscriptions: The number of users which are subscribed to a specific plan.

From this page, you may do any of the following:

Create Plans

To create a new plan from the Service Plan page:

  1. Click the Add a Plan button.
  2. On the next page, enter a name for the plan in the Service plan name field.
    Note: All the other settings on this page have defaults and do not require change, though you may use this page to define any aspect of a plan and set any desired user restrictions such as disk space, traffic (bandwidth), allowed domains, and email restrictions.
  3. Click the OK button.

Users may now be created using the service plan which you have just defined.

Create an Add-on Plan

An add-on plan may be used to extend the resources or features of one of your existing plans, allowing your users to purchase upgrades from you which increase their resources, or core functions such as their available domains and subdomains.

To create a new plan from the Service Plan page:

  1. Click the Add an Add-on button.
  2. On the next page, enter a name for the plan in the Add-on plan name field.
    Note: All the other settings on this page default to 0 as this plan type is purely addative. You will need to define which resources are increased and by how much, though it is possible to create an add-on plan with all default settings.
  3. Click the OK button.

Users may now have any add-on you have created attached to their subscription, though each add-on may only be attached once.

Clone Plans

It is possible to clone an existing plan to create small modifications to your preferred settings, rather than define every plan from scratch.

To clone a plan from the Service Plan page:

  1. Click the check box next to any plan you wish to duplicate.
  2. Click the Clone Plans button.

Copies of all the plans you have selected will now be available on the page to edit.

Delete Plans

Before removing a service plan, you will need to ensure that no users are subscribed to the plan you wish to remove. If there are any subscriptions to the plan, then you will receive an error when you attempt to delete it.

To delete a plan from the Service Plan page:

  1. Click the check box next to any plan you wish to duplicate.
  2. Click the Remove button.
  3. Click Yes in the checkbox that pops up.

The selected plans will now be deleted as long as no users were subscribed to them.

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