
Knowledge Base

How to Create and Manage User Accounts - Plesk

A user account grants additional users access to Plesk for managing websites, installing applications, or using email under your hosting plan.

Create User Account

To create a new User Account:

  1. Log into your Plesk Control Panel.
  2. Click Users in the side bar.
  3. Click Create User Account.
  4. Provide the following for General Information:
    • Contact name: Provide a name to associate with the user account
    • Email Address: Email address the user will use for notifications
    • User role: This dropdown menu will change the user's level of access
    • Access to subscriptions: This dropdown menu will allow you to assign the user account to a specific subscription or all subscriptions
    • Username: This will be the username used to log into Plesk
    • Password: This will be the password the user account will use for Plesk
    • Plesk Language: This dropdown menu sets the default language for the user account
    • User is active: This checkbox allows you to turn the user account on or off.
  5. Click OK.

Modify User Account

To modify an existing User Account:

  1. Log into your Plesk Control Panel.
  2. Click Users in the side bar.
  3. Click the Contact name for the account you want to modify.
  4. Click Change Settings.
  5. You can now edit the user's General Information or add additional contact details under the Contact Details tab.
  6. Click OK to save your changes

Delete User Account

To delete a User Account:

  1. Log into your Plesk Control Panel.
  2. Click Users in the side bar.
  3. Select the checkbox for the User Account you want to delete.
  4. Click Remove.
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