Knowledge Base
Categories: Third Party Applications
How to Create and Modify FTP Accounts - Plesk
FTP(File Transport Protocol) is a network protocol used to conveniently transfer files between you and the server or vice versa.
Create an FTP Account
To create an FTP Account:
- Log into your Plesk Control Panel.
- Click Websites & Domains in the sidebar.
- Locate the domain needing an FTP account and click SHOW MORE.
- Click FTP Access.
- Click Add an FTP Account.
- Provide the following:
- FTP account name: Username for the FTP account
- Home directory: Default directory for the FTP account on login
- Password: Password for FTP access
- Read permission: This checkbox allows the user to download files
- Write permission: This checkbox allows the user to upload files
- Click OK.
Modify an FTP Account
To modify an FTP Account:
- Log into your Plesk Control Panel.
- Click Websites & Domains.
- Locate the domain needing modification and click SHOW MORE.
- Click FTP Access.
- Click the FTP account to modify.
- Modify the following:
- FTP account name: Username for the FTP account
- Home directory: Default directory for the FTP account on login
- Password: Password for FTP access
- Read permission: This checkbox allows the user to download files
- Write permission: This checkbox allows the user to upload files
- Click OK to save your changes.
Delete an FTP Account
To delete an FTP Account:
- Log into your Plesk Control Panel.
- Click Websites & Domains.
- Locate the domain needing an FTP account deleted and click SHOW MORE.
- Click FTP Access.
- Select the checkbox for the account(s) you want to delete.
- Click Remove.
- Click Yes in the dialog box to confirm the deletion.
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