
Knowledge Base

How to Create and Modify Scheduled Tasks - Plesk

If you have a repetitive task or need to run scripts at a specific time, you can use a task scheduler in Plesk to automatically execute the task/script for you.

Create a Scheduled Task

To create a Scheduled Task:

  1. Login to your Plesk Control Panel.
  2. Click Websites & Domains.
  3. Click Scheduled Tasks located in the upper right corner.
  4. Click Add Task.
  5. Provide the following for Schedule a Task:
    • Active: This checkbox lets you turn the scheduled task on or off.
    • Task type:
      • Run a command: This option requires you to specify the full path to the executable file to run(This includes binary files, shell scripts, and batch files)
      • Fetch a URL: This option lets you specify a URL with no commands.
      • Run a PHP script: This option lets you specify the path to the script relative to your virtual host directory.
    • Run: This setting lets you set when and how often the task will run
    • Description: This field lets you set a description for the task for reference
    • Notify:
      • Do not notify: You will not get any notifications with this option
      • Errors only: You will only receive notifications if your task encounters an error with this option
      • Every time: You will receive a notification every time the task runs with this option
  6. Click OK.

Modify a Scheduled Task

To modify a Scheduled Task:

  1. Login to your Plesk Control Panel.
  2. Click Websites & Domains.
  3. Click Scheduled Tasks located in the upper right corner.
  4. Click the task you want to modify under Command.
  5. Modify the information you need to update under Schedule a Task.
  6. Click OK to save your changes.

Delete a Scheduled Task

To delete a Scheduled Task:

  1. Login to your Plesk Control Panel.
  2. Click Websites & Domains.
  3. Click Scheduled Tasks located in the upper right corner.
  4. Select the checkbox for the task you want to delete.
  5. Click Remove.
  6. Click Yes in the dialog box.
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