
Knowledge Base

How to Update the PHP Version - Plesk

If your software requires a higher or lower version of PHP to function, Plesk allows you to change your domains PHP version on demand. The following are PHP Versions available on the server:

  • PHP 5.5.38
  • PHP 5.6.30
  • PHP 7.0.18

To change your PHP Version:

  1. Log into your Plesk Control Panel.
  2. Click Website and Domains.

    Plesk Website & Domains

  3. Click Hosting Settings for the affected domain.

    Plesk Hosting Settings

  4. Navigate to the Web scripting and statistics.
  5. Locate PHP support and use the dropdown menu to select the PHP Version.

    Plesk PHP Version

  6. Click OK or Apply to save your changes.

    Plesk PHP Version - Changes

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