
Knowledge Base

Setting Up Email with Windows 10 Mail App

To Get Started:

  • Make sure that your email address has been to your cPanel.Please follow the instructions in this article: Set Up an Email Address in cPanel
  • In the steps below, we will configure the email using SSL for both incoming and outgoing settings.

How to Setup Email using Windows 10 Mail App

  1. Launch the Mail App by clicking on the Windows (Start) button.

    Windows Start Button

  2. Search Mail. Then, click on the Open link to start the application.

    Windows Mail Open

  3. In the Add an Account page, scroll to Advanced Setup then, select Internet Email.

    Windows Mail Advance Setup

  4. On the next page, enter the following information:
    • Email address
    • User Name
    • Email password
    • Account name
    • Send your message using this name (Email Display Name)
    • Incoming email server
    • SMTP email server 
      Please check this article to know your Incoming and outgoing mail server: Incoming and Outgoing Servers for Email Clients
    • Check all the tick boxes except for the Require SSL for Outgoing Email

      Windows Mail Advance Setup Details

  5. Then, click on Sign In.
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