
Knowledge Base

Getting Started with your Windows Plesk Reseller Account

Congratulations on getting started with your new Windows Plesk Reseller account! With this hosting package you will be able to create users with control panels to sell branded hosting to a customer base you build. We'd like to do everything we can to help you get on your way.

This article will cover the first and most essential steps to creating a new user so that you may provide a customer with a control panel to host their content on:

Creating Custom Service Plans

Before you start creating user accounts, you will want to define what type of accounts you can create. Most hosting plans are defined by how many domains may be hosted, allowed bandwidth, and how much disk space can be used to store website content.

All of these restrictions are defined by the type of Service Plan the user is subscribed to. So, the first step to creating new users is to create a plan that they will subscribe to. The following article will assist with creating customized Service Plans:

Creating a Customer Account

After you have defined the plans that you intend to make available to your customers, you will want to create and manage your customer accounts. The following article will walk you through creating a customer and subscribing them to one of the plans you have created:

Changing a User's Service Plan Subscription

Sometimes you may need to change the Service Plan a customer is subscribed to after the customer is already created. If this is the case, the following article will help you make this change:

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